viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018

Reading Comprehension&Writing exam, November, 2018


It’s time to get ready for the Reading comprehension &Writing Parts of your exam on Monday, 12th.

1) You should give yourself some practice by revising (re-reading) the “extensive reading texts”
-On pages  6-7  and  14-15 book
-On pages 4 and 9 of your workbook
This will help you remember/learn new vocabulary/set phrases etc

2) Have some real practice by doing the “Exam Practice”  on page 16 of your workbook.
      Find the answers here to check how well you did it.

3) To get ready for your writing exam:
- Try answering the questions in activity 8 on page 14 of your book.
-Revise vocabulary and expressions connected to “Describing a person”. Remember you have an extra worksheet on that topic + some vocabulary on pages12 of your book and 8 of your workbook.
-Have a look at your previous marked compositions. Try to avoid making the same mistakes.

Good luck!!

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