jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2018

About Brexit

Hi everybody!

Here is the video about the story of Brexit that we couldn’t watch in class last Tuesday.  Watch it carefully and answer the questions below.

1-When did the UK first become a member of the EEC (European Economic Community)? 
2- When was the first national referendum held in the UK in order to decide whether they wanted to leave the EEC?    What were the results at that time? 
3- How many members does the EU have? 
4- According to the graphs shown, has being a EU member benefited our economies? 
    (GDP= gross domestic product PIB= product interior bruto)
5- Name some aspects in which the UK wanted to stay independent from the EU?
6- What is the article 50 about? 
7- Name some negative sad events happening in the world which made the UK think about Brexit:
 8- Which Prime Minister called the referendum on British membership? 
9- During the campaign, what arguments did far right politicians like Boris Johnson use?
10- On the referendum held on 23rd of June, 2016, how many voted in favour of leaving the UK?
11- What were the immediate consequences of Brexit?
12- What key points  will the UK have to consider while negotiating their withdrawal? (name 2)
13- What does “soft and hard” Brexit mean?
14- What will happen to all the EU laws in force in  the UK?
15- Have many voters for Brexit regretted their decision?

You might also like to watch this other video which I personally found very interesting. I hope you enjoy it.

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