miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2019


Good afternoon everyone!

First of all, I must say sorry I wasn't able to attend your graduation ceremony. I'm sorry, honestly!
 I must also thank you for the nice prize you gave me, which I liked so much. I hope "all those photocopies" were/are useful to you.

As you should start doing some revision for SELECTIVIDAD, here is a list of LINKS to selectividad exams:

2- Titular-septiembre-2018       Titular-septiembre-2018(key)
4- Suplente-septiembre-2018   Suplente-septiembre-2018 (key)
5- Reserva A 2018                 Reserva A 2018 (key)
6- Reserva B 2018                 Reserva B 2018 (key)
7- Titular-junio-2017             Titular-junioA-2017-Key  / titular-junio-B2017.key
8- Titular-septiembre-2017      Titular-septiembre-2017.key 
9- Suplente-junioA.2017       suplente-junio.A2017-key  /suplente-junio.B2017 

Feel free to send to my email address any composition you would like me to check.

I will post some more work after the "fair".

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