miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016


1) Have a go at some selectividad exams to give yourself some practice before the exam.
a) Forever Young (spare exam. June, 2015) . Answer

b) Lady in Black (spare exam. June, 2015). Answer

 c) Second Life (spare exam. September, 2015). Answer

d) Women Warriors (spare exam. September, 2015). Answer  

f) What is Cyberbullying? (spare exam. September, 2015). Answer

h) Who inspired the ‘Games of Thrones’ Creator? (spare exam. September, 2015). Answer 

2) Revise all the model compositions in your book and workbook. Do some of the compositions in
the selectividad exams above.

3) Don't forget to revise  IRREGULAR VERBS. You have a good list on pages 103-104 of your workbook.

4) Read pages 74-75 of your workbook about word formation (word building)

5) Find some more REPHRASING ACTIVITES here. Find the answers on the last pages.

6) Revise some grammar.


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