martes, 2 de febrero de 2016


Hi everybody!

On Tuesday next week we will be attending a theatre play: Macbeth. To help you understand the play, here is some useful material.

A) An introduction to Macbeth:

An introduction-to-macbeth from pilarmd

B)  A short synopsis of the play: Click HERE to get it.

C) Macbeth for lazy people: Macbeth told in 96 seconds:

Find the script HERE

D) Perhaps, you might like to wacth the full version. I hope you will enjoy it:

BBC Shakespeare Animated Tales Macbeth Part 1 from Johnny Rocket on Vimeo.

BBC Shakespeare Animated Tales Macbeth Part 2 from Johnny Rocket on Vimeo.


BBC Shakespeare Animated Tales Macbeth Part 3 from Johnny Rocket on Vimeo.

E) You can find some more interesting information about Macbeth and Shakespeare on the SITE.

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