miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015


1) Here are some notes about the PAST SIMPLE & CONTINUOUS and the PAST PERFECT SIMPLE & CONTINUOUS

Verb tenses past-tenses from pilarmd

2) Find here some notes about TIME CLAUSES in the past.

3) Some more practice with TIME CLAUSES in the pastwhen, till, until, as soon as, before, after.
 Remember that two past simple tenses can be used if there is an idea that the second action is the result of the first, and that it happened immediately afterwards.

She called the ambulance as soon as the accident happened.
I burst into tears when he asked her to marry him.

If it is important to show that the first action was completed before the second one began, the Past Perfect must be used for the action that happened first:

I had never travelled alone before I went to England

He didn’t leave the house until he had checked that all the windows were closed.

Here are some more examples for you to practise with.

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015


Hi everybody!!
1) Have a look at this Power-Point presentation. It might help you understand  "Present Tenses".
Don't forget that you also have Grammar help on pages 57- 60 of your Workbook, and on pages 104-110 of your Text Book. 

Verb tenses.present-tenses from pilarmd

2) You can find some more clarifying notes about the PRESENT SIMPLE and CONTINUOUS. HERE

3) Some more notes about the PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE & CONTINUOUS.


1) Have a look at this presentation. Remember that you also have some notes on the future both on your book and your workbook:

Expressing future in english from pilarmd

2) TIME CLAUSES in the future.  Have a look at these notes.
     Here are some more activities